Horses Saved

Backstage Bud is a 7 year old OTTB gelding

Backstage Bud

Backstage Bud is a 7 year old OTTB gelding.

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paloma adoptable horse


Paloma 5 years old | 15 Hands (update 3/17/24) Paloma was adopted and living the life in Ohio with her three horse siblings on a lot of land and love![…]

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Koda 22 years (4/3/24) Koda came to us from Stroud, Oklahoma Kill pen in September 2023 and has made tremendous strides in becoming healthy!  Due to chronic liver changes and[…]

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Finn after adoption


I don’t think we could ever ask for a better match then these two… sometimes you just find your horse soul mate and Carrie Anne and Finn have found theirs.[…]

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Macho Time before

Macho Time

May 2023 – Macho Time came from Mississippi traders in April 2023 and was set to ship to yet another pen before we were able to snatch him up! His[…]

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Sarg came to Cito’s Rescue from an Oklahoma kill pen, emaciated, with a severe eye ulcer as well as a contagious disease called Strangles.  He has recovered amazingly and Dr.[…]

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jasmine after


Jasmine was our first rescue from Arizona in September 2022. As you can see she was in poor condition and needed a rapid transit to safety! She is now in[…]

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Dolly was from a killpen in Texas and arrived in October 2022. She rehabilitated with us well and found a home in Greeley that adores her.

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Speck was from a killpen in Oklahoma and arrived with Sarg in December 2022.  He is with a family now that has donkeys, horses, chickens and sheep and now has[…]

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